Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Guitar Update

I had a bit of time to start actually painting this thing are a few pics of where it stands now:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rock By The Sea Guitar

This is one of my current projects. I am taking it to an event called Rock By The Sea, and will get it signed by all of the performing artists. That's why it has a beachy/sunny/music theme.

The guitar itself is a full-size acoustic guitar. I bought it on ebay because it was so cheap. It's not even a was just listed as 'acoustic guitar' lol.

If this one turns out well, I will probably continue to paint guitars - but I'll probably get a better quality/name brand guitar.

The photos below show the progress so far. Next step...paint!

Spiderman Bowling Pin

This is a bowling pin painted like Spiderman. This was actually from a long time ago, but I put it up here because I still love it :-) I have a whole box of bowling pins sitting in my garage because I wanted to do a bunch of random people/characters, but I never got around to it. Let me know if you think of any - I'll try whatever!

I start by tracing the shape of the bowling pin on paper a few times so I can sketch out the design. Then I spray the pin with Kilz to prime it and then sketch the design on the pin once it's dry. After that, I draw in all of the black lines with Sharpie so the sketch doesn't rub off. Once that's done, I paint the whole pin with watered-down acryllic paint. After that, I do all of the shading with Prismacolors. Once everything is done, I put a few layers of clear-coat on it so nothing rubs off.

3-D Lines

This is the first painting where I experimented with using multiple canvases to make a 3-dimensional effect. I haven't done more like this since...but I'm actually planning one that should turn out very cool soon. It's not going to be 'lines' though - it'll be a picture of something, and it involves 6-8 canvases. :-)

These aren't the best photos, but since it's 3-d, I can't have it scanned like the rest of my paintings. I tried to get a few different angles.

Somewhere More Familiar...

The four paintings below are a part of my "Somewhere More Familiar" Series. These were inspired by the album cover of my favorite band, Sister Hazel. These were actually my first paintings ever. I did them when I had painting class in college, and was creatively drained for ideas of what to paint. I saw this CD cover on my floor, and it had the 4 pictures on it, and decided they could be the next 4 weeks worth of paintings for class...haha.

Here's the CD Cover, followed by the four paintings:

Oldies But Goodies

I'll start with posting some of my old stuff. All of this was done in 2006-2007ish - mostly for my painting classes in college.

Testing 1-2-3...


I've decided to start an official blog to track my progress with my paintings. Who knows...maybe I'll talk about other stuff too.

Hopefully this will help me 1) let people know what I'm up to, and 2) make me more motivated to work on my paintings more often!

Anyway, I'll start with uploading my old stuff, and will soon be adding some new projects.
