Monday, December 21, 2009

Guitar Update...almost done!

I had to have my wisdom teeth removed last Thursday, which gave me lots of time to sit around in pain and be miserable...but the BRIGHT side of that is that it allowed me to use my painful and miserable time to work on this guitar! Time is running out to finish, and I'm nearly there now. My goal is to have it done in the next few days so I don't have to worry about it over Christmas. The Rock Boat is January 7, so I don't have much time to play with.

Here's where it stands at the moment:

This is the sketch of the logo on the back with marker - halfway darkened:

Here's the back now that the paper part is done...I still have to go back over all the black lines to make them dark again (the end result will look more like the left/darker side of this):

Here's the whole back:

Here's the front, with a little bit of a side angle. I haven't done the white icing or the white on the life preserver yet...those 'whites' are going to be the same tinted white as the boat is now:

Head-on shot of the front:

So close...